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Astrology for life

In spite of the fact that Science has developed by leaps and bounds and technology drives our lives to a great extent, astrology still rema...

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Astrology for life

In spite of the fact that Science has developed by leaps and bounds and technology drives our lives to a great extent, astrology still remains an essential part of our lives. Astrology is a science which has had its dominance since centuries and its importance in the lives has not decreased at all. Man faces many problems in his day to life which affect not only his life but also those around him. Indian astrologyoffers solutions and remedies to all the hurdles and problems one faces.
Free astrological services are available to guide one through the problems of life. Freehoroscopes are available on a daily, weekly, monthly and daily basis. The horoscopesare based on the sun sign determined by the date and month of birth. Free birth charts are also made by experts on the basis of time of birth and place of birth which determines the position of stars. The position of stars indicates the life of the person and also the major problems and the successes he will get in his life. With the help of the birth charts one cannot avoid the hurdles but for sure can find solutions so that the severity decreases.
Based on the stars other free astrological services are also offered like astrological predictions, astrological reports, astrological remedies, advice on gem stones and also match making seeing the compatibility through the star positions. An Indian astrologer depending on his area of expertise can offer all these services making facing problems slightly easy.
The astrologer studies the position of stars and with the help of mantras, vaastu and birthstone and gemstones provides remedies to the problems one is likely to face as per the stars and their position. Depending on the kind of problem i.e. problem in career, education, marriage or relationships and seeing the effect the gemstones will have as per the star positions astrologers suggest the use of stones like red coral, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire, pearl, ruby and many others. All these have their own powers and astrologers advise birth stone remedies as this is one of the easiest ways to overcome hurdles. The astrologer also suggests that the stone has to be work in which finger, has to be embedded in which metal like gold or silver, has to be worn on which day and also at what time of the day. Keeping all these things in mind the effects that the birthstones have on a person are highly beneficial and give him the solution and also the strength to face the adversities of life.

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